Revisão dos dados citogenéticos em espécies da família Hylidae (amphibia, anura): resultados e perspectivas - Doi:
Chromosome. Karyotype. Hylinae. Pelodryadinae. PhyllomedusinaeResumo
The family Hylidae is the most species-rich anuran family, including more than 890 species. Recently, this family went through extensive taxonomic and
systematic revisions based mostly on molecular data, with almost no contribution of cytogenetic information. Relatively few species have been karyotyped, mainly with the use of differential staining techniques, therefore here is a void of chromosome data in the context of the new phylogenetic hypotheses proposed. In this paper, we present a literature review of chromosomal studies in hylid species. This compilation
provides information for the research on relationships and chromosome evolution in the family.
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