Influence of bariatric surgery on circadian rhythm of obese patients
Circadian regulation. Hormones and adipokines. Bariatric surgery.Resumo
Studies show a strong association between disturbances of circadian rhythms and the development of obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Disturbances of the biological clock due to sleep loss, for example, can lead to decreased insulin sensitivity and increased risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes. Bariatric surgery is an alternative strategy for weight loss and significantly reduces the mortality of obese patients. However, some patients have regained weight by some mechanism not yet understood. This weight regain is higher in patients with circadian disturbances due to changes in shift work. Given the importance of circadian rhythms in obesity, the present study is a literature review about the effects of bariatric surgery on the circadian pattern of hormones in obese patients.
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