
  • Nelcimara Lúcia Marafon Hospital Universitário Regional dos Campos Gerais
  • Bruno Margueritte Costa
  • Débora Melo Mazzo
  • Juliana Carvalho Schleder


Sarcopenia is a reduction of skeletal muscle masses associated with loss of muscle strength and /or reduction of age-related physical performance. Hospitalization and its consequences are important factors in the development or advancement of sarcopenia stages. The purpose of this research to determine skeletal muscle mass index, physical performance and muscle strength and then identify sarcopenia on hospitalized elderly. Sample consisted of 27 participants divided into three groups: study group (SG) with hospitalized elderly (n=10); hospitalized adults group (HAG) (n=9) and; community elderly control group (CEG) (n=8), anthropometric data were collected assessing skeletal muscle mass, muscle strength (palmar gripping) and physical performance (Timed Up and Go test). Evaluations were carried out in two moments with a difference of five days between first and second evaluation. Elderlies of SG developed severe sarcopenia during hospitalization with final values of TUG 18,33 s (p = 0.069); FPP 6.33 kg (p=0.625); IMME 6.34 kg/m2 (p=0.156). Elderlies from the same group had the following values: TUG 16.86 s(p=0.656); FPP 21 kg (p=0.741); IMME 9.71 kg/ m2 (p=0.501). During hospitalization, elderly of SG maintained values of muscular strength, physical performance and skeletal muscle mass index within the reference values, in contrast, elderly women of the same group developed severe sarcopenia in five days.

Keywords: Elderly; Hospitalization; Sarcopenia.


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