Recruitment periods of Tagelus divisus (SPENGLER, 1794) (Bivalvia; Psammobiidae) in the Paranaguá estuarine complex – PR.
Tagelus divisus (SPENGLER, 1794) is a Psamobiidae bivalve of commercial value that inhabits shallow waters, buried in a sandy or sandy-muddy substratum. The present study analyzed the spatio-temporal distribution in an intertidal environment and some aspects of the population dynamics (recruitment) of that species in the Bay of Paranaguá (PR), for which two study places were established: St. I close to the access bars and St. II, in the medium section of the system, in which systematic collections were made, between abril/96 and outubro/97. Larger abundance of individuals was observed (juvenile) (p <0,05) in the more intern section of the estuary (St. II), of waters with mean salinity of 26 and of larger anthropic influence and, in the two places, preferential distribution in the higher tide levels, close to the Spartina belt. Larger recruitment rates were evidenced in the autumn and in the spring, following a reproductive pattern observed for several species of bivalve in the area.
Keywords: Settlement areas. Veneroida. Infaunal bivalves. Parana litoral.
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