Prevalence of dental lesions in radiographic examinations in an Amazonian population
Dental injuries are caused by iatrogenic, traumatic and cariogenic processes, they are often diagnosed through their signs and symptoms clinical, without need for x-ray. Radiographic examinations allow the professional to evaluate areas that cannot be examined clinically, such as roots, pulp cavities of teeth. The present work aims to verify the prevalence of dental injuries in digital radiography of patients in a Radiological Clinic, correlated as variables of age, gender and used tooth. A sample of the research consisting of periapical radiography with of dental injuries: caries, abrasion, attrition, erosion, coronary fracture, pulp nodule, dental mineralization, internal root resorption, external root resorption, hypercementosis, fracture, perforation and residual root. The data were tabulated using the Microsoft Office Excel and Bioestat 5.0 programs at a significance level of 5%. 719 radiographs found images of dental injuries, one or more, corresponding to 302 patients, female 186 (61.6%) and male 116 (38.4%). The most prevalent injuries were caries (46.1%), follows tooth wear (24.9%) and residual root (11.9%). The age group most affected was 51 to 60 years old, with a total of 251 injuries, with more incidence in males. Thus, it was possible to conclude that female sex was the most affected, the age group was 51 to 60 years; caries has a high prevalence, the teeth most affected were maxillary central incisors.
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