Translucent Concrete


  • Danilo Soares Silva Centro Universitário UNA
  • Geovana Izabel de Macêdo Carvalho ESALQ-USP
  • Daniel Flávio Pires de Lima UNA
  • André Rezende Figueiredo de Oliveira UNA
  • Letícia Rocha Facury Schwetter UNA


Concrete has become one of the main building materials for having properties such as high resistance to compression and also for being a great sealing element and blocking external lighting. Produced through the union of cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, water and in special conditions, additives, this mixture has been used since ancient times. Through technological advances, much has been said about the need to recycle compounds and materials and, therefore, many scholars are looking for materials that can be added or replaced to the mixture currently used. Through this work, we will talk about the use of materials, mainly fiber optics, which can make concrete an excellent light transmitting source, avoiding expenses with electricity for example. However, before being used as a structural element, we need to assess whether the concrete after adding optical fiber will still remain with its good compressive strength characteristics. To answer the question proposed in this work, the historical context of the concrete was approached, as well as its definitions, classifications and properties, of the tests necessary to analyze its characteristics, in addition to the concepts of concrete with the addition of optical fiber, its advantages, disadvantages and places that already use this technology.




