
  • Diego Rodrigues Bonifácio Faculdade Panamericana de Ji-Paraná
  • Thalita Mendonça Luz Centro Universitário Estácio de Ji-Paraná
  • Allan Carlos Teles de Matos Centro Universitário Estácio de Ji-Paraná
  • Elizeu dos Santos Silva Centro Universitário Estácio de Ji-Paraná
  • Maria Luiza de Paula Cordeiro Centro Universitário Estácio de Ji-Paraná
  • Matheus Henrique Otenio Fongaro Centro Universitário Estácio de Ji-Paraná
  • Taine de Oliveira Silva Centro Universitário Estácio de Ji-Paraná


Abstract: The aggressiveness of the environment in which concrete structures are inserted can significantly reduce the service life of these elements. Urban, industrial, and marine environments, among others, pose risks to the structure due mainly to the presence of sulfates. When present in the environment, these react chemically with concrete compounds, especially tricalcium aluminate, and cause the expansion of the elements, cracking, followed by disintegration of the reinforced concrete of the foundations. Thus, the foundations require quality control in their execution. This paper analyzed sulfate attacks on concrete foundation structures. To obtain the data, a systematic review on the subject was carried out on the Google Scholar portal using the keywords "sulfate" and "concrete". Sixteen publications were found. As exclusion criteria, all articles that did not refer to sulfate attack in concrete foundations were disregarded, and works carried out between the years 2010 and 2020 were chosen. Thus, 05 writings were included, in addition to these, in order to enrich the approach, 01 Brazilian Technical Standard and 06 complementary scientific articles were analyzed. It is noted that the best defense against the harmful attack of sulfates is the effectiveness of quality control, keeping the low permeability of concrete. Among the factors that contribute to reducing concrete permeability are proper dimensioning of the foundations, low water-cement ratio in the composition of the material and proper curing.


Keywords: Aggressiveness, sulfate, concrete, foundation.   


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