Modelagem, simulações e resultados


  • Talisson Silva Oliveira UniFacid Wyden
  • Marcos Guilherme Carvalho Braulio Barbosa
  • Ítalo Rodrigo Monte Soares
  • Ediones Maciel de Sousa
  • José Weliton Nogueira Júnior
  • Rômulo Ribeiro Magalhães de Sousa
  • Francisco de Tarso Ribeiro Caselli
  • Thercio Henrique de Carvalho Costa
  • Francisco Rafael Campos de Macedo


Aim to analyze the importance of Computational Modeling of Mechanical Elements, Computational structural analysis is one of the methods used to analyze the behavior of mechanical and structural elements when subjected to efforts and dynamic or static loads. Without this step, your project can take numerous risks. For this structural analysis to present reliable results consistent with reality, the simulation needs to go through some essential steps: Modeling the structure, defining the materials, Defining the mesh, Defining the simulation parameters, analyzing the results The computational modeling establishes strategies and mathematical formulations for the imposition of mechanical connections in a context of computational modeling of solid mechanics. The techniques are employed in conjunction with numerical methods for solving the kinematic fields involved, such as the Finite Element Method. The computational implementation is performed and contact simulation scenarios involving models of bars and shells are explored. Finally, a comparative discussion between the different formulations is presented, listing the advantages and protection of each one. A proposal is made for the construction of a family of point contact models in a unified way. The importance of computer modeling in a more simplified way is to create and provide a copy of a system design, which may cover detailed plans, as well as more general plans with a panoramic view of the considered system. With this, avoiding future problems in terms of choosing the material and its use time according to the application.

