
  • milton paulino costa junior Federal University of Espírito Santo/ Professor of the Department of Civil Engineering
  • Juliani Silva Federal University of Espírito Santo
  • Sayonara Pinheiro Federal University of Espírito Santo/ Professor of the Department of Civil Engineering


The performance standard has become an essential component in the pursuit of quality in the construction sector. It specifies minimum criteria for the behavior in use of construction systems, as well as the definition of the tasks and interventions necessary to achieve the useful life. The obligation to comply with it highlights the importance of ensuring the requirements of the users for the building, with emphasis on the flooring system. The objective of this work is to analyze the mechanisms adopted by a construction company to meet the requirements of thermal, acoustic, lighting performance and tightness, with a focus on the flooring system. This work aims to analyze the fulfillment of the requirements of Part 3, Requirements for Flooring Systems, of NBR 15575, Residential Buildings – Performance, in a construction company. A case study was carried out through document analysis, interviews, as well as visual inspection of the flooring system executed, with photographic record. In the results obtained, it was verified that the company met the requirements through the dimensioning of the flooring system so that it could be represented, due to its characteristics, by a FAD, and by tests or inspections in the field. However, it is worth highlighting the following as the main obstacles to ensure compliance with the requirements studied: the difficulty of hiring economically viable laboratories to perform the tests determined by the standard and of requiring suppliers to provide test reports that ensure the quality of the materials purchased for the flooring system.

Author Biographies

milton paulino costa junior, Federal University of Espírito Santo/ Professor of the Department of Civil Engineering

Graduated in Civil Engineering from UFPA (1997), with master's and doctorate in civil engineering from UFES (2001) and UNICAMP (2011). He began his career performing consulting activities in quality management system by the company CTE (Center for Building Technology), being responsible for the implementation of quality management systems in 08 small and medium-sized companies (04 companies up to ISO 9001:2000 certification; 02 companies up to ISO 9001:2000 certification and level A of PBQP-H). After this period, he worked as a substitute professor at UFES in the disciplines of Civil Construction I, Construction Technology II and III, Planning and Control of Constructions and Special Topics in Civil Construction I-Quality (2002-2003). In addition to being a volunteer professor at UCL (Faculty of the East Center) of the disciplines Planning and Control of Constructions (OPT I and OPTII) and Technological Innovations (2004-2005). He was a researcher at FEST (Espírito Santense Foundation of Technology), UFES (Federal University of Espírito Santo) and CST (Companhia Siderúrgica de Tubarão). During the period of his doctorate, he was a professor at the State University of Campinas - UNICAMP (Teaching Internship Program), teaching the discipline of civil construction materials and hydrosanitary building installations for the civil engineering course (2007-2008). He worked in the technical area (engineering) of the company Andrade Gutierrez (2006-2007) and in the technical area (works and office) of the company Odebrecht (2008-2016), exercising, as main activities: Corporate support / Odebrecht Transport (highway concessionaires); Quality Management System (works); coordination of the concrete, asphalt and soils laboratory; Management of infrastructure works. Since July 2016-present, he has been working as a professor of higher education (adjunct professor I) at the Federal University of Espírito Santo. Member of the Brazilian Association of Production Engineering.

Juliani Silva, Federal University of Espírito Santo

Graduated in civil engineering from the Federal University of Espírito Santo.

Sayonara Pinheiro, Federal University of Espírito Santo/ Professor of the Department of Civil Engineering

Graduated in Civil Engineering from the Federal University of Espírito Santo (1986); Master's degree in Civil Engineering from the Federal University of Espírito Santo (2003); PhD in Civil Engineering from the State University of Campinas (2011) and Post-Doctorate at ICITECH / UPV Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnologia del Hormigón de la Universitat Politécnica de Valencia (2016 / 2017) - Participation in the Program "Strategic Programs -DRI" of CAPES (Post-Doctoral Scholarship - 01-12-2016 to 30-11-2017). She is an Associate Professor II in the Department of Civil Engineering of the Technological Center of the Federal University of Espírito Santo. He teaches classes in the disciplines of the Civil Construction Area. Conducts research in the area of building materials and components: activated alkali materials; industrial, agro-industrial and construction waste/incorporation into new materials; recycling - building materials and gypsum; durability and performance of concrete, mortars and pastes; biodeterioration of concrete.

