O ciberespaço e a geografia: notas iniciais sobre homens que buscam parceiros do mesmo sexo no aplicativo tinder em Rio Grande - RS
The present work is a clipping of a finished masters research. With the initial aim to make visible spatialities and subjects who seek samesex partners in the Tinder Application in the city of Rio Grande (RS). Thus, it proposes, in some initial notes, a reflection on cyberspace as a potent field of investigation by the Human Sciences, especially by Geography. The methodology used was the insertion of the researcher in the App space, in order to apply an online semistructured questionnaire to 154 men. This made it possible for us to realize that the researched group is predominantly composed of white men, young people, college students, from African religions, who deal with their sexualities in an open manner.
Keywords: Cyberspace; Tinder Application; Geography; Gender.
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