Representaciones sociales sobre acoso sexual callejero en mujeres activistas participantes del XXXIII Encuentro Nacional de Mujeres (Argentina)
This paper presents the results of a descriptive crosssectional study in which closed questionnaires were supplied to a population of 44 women participants of Workshop No.43, "Women and Habitat", of the XXXIII National Meeting of Women (Argentina), held on July 13th15th at Chubut, that aimed to identify 1) the predominant conceptualization of street sexual harassment and its correlation with the definitions established both in current laws and in provincial bills; 2) the formal responses required from the State; and 3) the measures to be adopted in the face of acts of sexual street harassment in relation to the victimizer. The sampling was nonprobability of the casual type, therefore it will lack representativeness. Participants were given a questionnaire consisting of three demographic questions (age, province and city of origin, and gender identity) and five closed questions that were aimed at evaluating 1) the definition of the predominant street sexual harassment; 2) the consideration degree of the phenomenon as a security problem; 3) the existence of a requirement for State intervention in the matter; 4) the type of measures that are demanded from the State, should its intervention be considered necessary; and 5) the type of sanction that should be imposed on the perpetrators if it is considered as a contravention of the law or as a criminal act that requires a punitive response from the State.
Keywords: Street Sexual Harassment; National Meeting of Women, Habitat; City; Public Politics.
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