A violência doméstica vivenciada no espaço geográfico pelo corpo feminino: uma análise sobre o Movimento de Mulheres em São Gonçalo
This study aimed to analyze the perspective of the female body that experiences or suffers from domestic and family violence in the city of São Gonçalo (RJ). The theoretical choice apprehends the body as a geographical scale, in which the house is taken as a spatial reference of violence, becoming, therefore, a marker of/in a fighting space. The methodology involves the analysis of data from the Public Security Institute of Rio de Janeiro (ISP), in dialogue with bibliographies related to the theme, and also implies the contact with experiences exchanged within the scope of the Women’s Movement of São Gonçalo (MMSG). Bringing on the perspective of this movement is a way to enhance the protective and collaborative action
among women and strengthen the sense of the struggle. The challenge, therefore, is to highlight the empirical reality about domestic and family violence, articulating it to the more general debate of feminism in Brazil, the types of gender violence, and the potential of geographic approaches to the phenomenon.
Keywords: Geography; Violence against women; Violence; Feminine body; Women's Movement.
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