Ciberespaço, tlovers e travestis: a emergência de novas dinâmicas no território de prostituição de travestis no Bairro da Glória – RJ
In this paper, we seek to understand the power relations in the virtual space, thought as more than abstractions, since they interfere with multiple social media. As this question is still little explored by geographical studies, we intend to clarify how the cyberspace relates to the territories of transvesti prostitution on Augusto Severo Avenue, in Rio de Janeiro, analyzing for this the presence of t-lovers, by means of new dynamics of concealment in the spatial experience of nonhegemonic masculinities. Finally, we aim to establish a correlation between the virtual and the real worlds, based on the existing power relations between t-lovers and travestis, pointing out how these two spatial dimensions interact with each other.
Keywords: Cyberspace; Power; Territory; Tlover; Masculinities.
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