Marcar e simbolizar o espaço: o eruditismo cultural masculino em Sobral – Ceará (1880-2020)
Throughout the history of the city of Sobral, the local urban culture has been controlled by men. We propose to launch a thesis, which we call Symbology of Cultural Eruditism, in its exclusively masculine basis. Cultural eruditism has marks that are left in the urban space by symbols or spatial markings. The theoretical and methodological discussion to be raised is based on the theory of spatial markings, proposed by geographer Vincent Veschambre. According to this theory, it will be taken into account cultural processes which fix actions and intentions in the space by means of concrete objects. Allied to the spatial markings we will
have the theory of symbols and urban symbols in Geography, by Jèrôme Monnet, concepts which are complementary.
Keywords: Symbols; Space marks; Urban space.
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