Pobres, Pretos/as, Periféricos/as, Jovens e em Escolarização: A Constituição dos Sujeitos da 18a Parada da Cidadania LGBT de Campo Grande/MS
This research, of a qualitative and quantitative nature, analyzes the sociological profile of the 18th LGBT Citizenship Events’ participants in Campo Grande-MS. Altogether, 303 people were interviewed, answering to a questionnaire made of opened and closed asks, during the event in 2019. The cartographic mapping of the data points to a bigger attendance of gay men and bisexual folk; prevalence of youngsters; black and grayish-brown people; schooling or schooled people; residentes of different suburbs of the city. The provided data help us to think about this new political being which goes to the streets in the 2000's and these categories, that when well-articulated, can show the strength of the LGBT Citizenship Event to propose public policies as well as strategical opposition, political act and even popular festival.
Keywords: Citizenship Event; LGBT; Campo Grande; Cartography; Public Policies.
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