Gênero e política: a (sub) representação das mulheres nas eleições de 2008, 2012 E 2016 nos municípios de médio e grande porte no Brasil
Gender inequality directly affects the lives of women who historically have been marginalized in various fields of life in society, among them the spaces of decisionmaking power. The present study analyzes the explanatory factors for the underrepresentation of women in Brazilian politics, with electoral financing as one of the main factors. The data used come from the Superior Electoral Court (TSE), taken from the candidacy and accountability repositories on municipal elections for councilors in the years 2008, 2012 and 2016, in 441 municipalities with more than 50,000 voters. For the treatment and analysis of the data,
descriptive and inferential statistical analyzes were used with the aid of spreadsheets and the Jamovi software. The results are consistent and contribute especially to the discussions on how to face the marginalization of women in politics.
Keywords: Municipal Elections; Councilors; Women; Politics; Electoral Financing.
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