Não é Não! Entre Redes e Ruas: Conflitualidade entre Cultura da Violência e Corpos de Mulheres
This article articulates discussions about the repercussions of the Não é Não campaign. In this way, asking the following questions: How is the campaign Não é Does not answer and / or contest bodily violence on the bodies of women? The analysis corpus consists of clippings of enunciative sayings and images from the Não é Não (2017-2020) campaign, posted on digital social networks. The theoretical-methodological path of analysis is inspired by the Foucaultian perspective. We emphasize that the campaign Não é Não shifts the silence from violence to publicity and verbalization, in the streets and on networks, a movement that operates with the resistance of women's bodies. The new forms of political conflict are put into practice and articulate bodies and urban spaces and digital media in the public sphere. We conclude that the campaign moves in a double direction: as a movement of bodies and as a political movement.
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Latin American Journal of Geography and Gender does not retain the author rights. The author’s get permission to publish the contribution in other medias, printed or digital, itmay be in Portuguese or translation, since the publication is credited to Latin American Journal of Geography and Gender.
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