As contradições entre os espaços permitidos e negados aos LGBTQI+ na cidade de São Paulo
This article aims, through the concepts of place, territory and right to the city, to understand how and where LGBTQIA+ practice their homoerotical experiences in Sao Paulo city. the study cutouts the Republica and Consolação neighbourhoods It is assumed that such relationships coexist in places and spaces “allowed”, both physically and symbolically, considering, at all, the security of these individuals in affirming their identities, and consequently, their respective sexualities. With the contribution of Lefebvre (2001) (lived, perceive and conceive spaces) and interviews with six individuals who identify with the LGBTQIA+ community, it was possible to recognize and discuss the socio-spatial contradictions existing in the city of São Paulo, marked by the hosting and, as well, the segregation of this people.
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