Homicidal violence and suicide of men and women in the State of Paraná, Brazil: retrospective analysis between 2014 and 2017
Violence affects men and women differently, in diverse spaces and at different stages of life. Based on the Brazilian Ministry of Health's database SIM (Mortality Information System), we tabulated and analyzed homicide and suicide data of Parana’s State, Brazil, according to gender, race/ethnicity, education, marital status and age of victims, causes, place of death, and municipality of occurrence, for the period between 2014 and 2017. The study enabled a snapshot of the interpersonal and self-inflicted lethal violence in Paraná, plotting the average rates in maps, with the QGIS software. The results make it possible to reflect on measures that can mitigate the injuries and also prevent each type of violence, in order to plan and implement specific public policies, focusing on the most violent territories.
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