As Transformações da Sociabilidade Gay no Rio de Janeiro no Século XX (1940-1980): Do Largo do Rocío a ‘Galeria do Amor’
The present article aims to analyse the different forms of sociability of the gay male population throughout the 20th century. The central objective would be to correlate the changes in the patterns of sociability of this group to the urban transformations experienced by the city in this period, marked by the reordering of the urban stain towards the southern vector of the cit and formation of sub-centers such as the neighborhood of Copacabana. It is also intended, on the basis of an analysis that privileges the social markers of difference (ethno-racial affiliation, social class and gender) to understand the content of these sociabilities and how they reflect this segmented and fragmented mode of production of the city of Rio de Janeiro in the twentieth century.
- 2022-07-21 (2)
- 2022-07-02 (1)
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