“Deus Pai” que Estás nos Céus, Questionamos a Sua Vontade e o Poder do “Homem Deus Filho” aqui na Terra: A Universidade a partir da Universalidade dos Discursos
The present work arose from dialogues between researchers in the area of Geography, Gender and Sexuality and young women students of engineering courses at a public university located in the state of Minas Gerais, a space marked by hegemonic masculinity. The work aims to understand how gender roles are constantly reinforced in the structuralist spaces, that daily causing embarrassment, pain and often the feeling of not belonging to bodies considered marginal. To develop this article, we chose the discourse analysis methodology, because through our interlocutors, all students of engineering courses, we can understand the marks and ideologies that translate the patriarchal legacies experienced by these women in various spatialities. During this paper, for a better understanding, it is defended that the spaces dominated by the man God Son reproduce the paradise created by God Father, sustained by the Judaic-Christian perspective that naturalizes male domination since the creation of Adão and Eva in the Garden of Eden. To dialogue with the community through the Academic Centers and to elaborate such intellectual production represents a return to the demand of the students of engineering courses and, beyond that, the possibility of promoting a debate that contemplates the multiple faces of gender violence in the academic space and the construction of a university that contemplates the production of universal spaces.
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Latin American Journal of Geography and Gender does not retain the author rights. The author’s get permission to publish the contribution in other medias, printed or digital, itmay be in Portuguese or translation, since the publication is credited to Latin American Journal of Geography and Gender.
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