Discussões Simbólico Espaciais sobre Territorialidades LGBTQIA+ no Contexto Juiz-forano
The present work is developed in order to understand part of the experience and behavioral adequacy of LGBTQIA+ subjects in the city of Juiz de Fora-MG. We aim to know how individuals' bodily spatiality is reproduced differently when moving between city spaces, taking into account the influence of heteronormativity in spatial relationships. For that, we carried out a literature review and developed seven semi-structured interviews with LGBTQIA+ people residing in the city. In view of the material acquired, we had access to everyday examples of how aspects unnoticed by people who occupy privileged categories can prevent the existence of others in certain spaces.
- 2022-07-21 (2)
- 2022-07-02 (1)
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