Arte, Brilho, Ativismo e Resistência na Trilha de Vida de Lorna Washington
Its main objective was to carry out the life path of Lorna Washington, transformist artist and of great relevance in the LGBTQIA+ artistic world considering your life as a work of art. The most important facts of his life paths were his affirmation as a man, gay, activist and transformative artist, in an ongoing effort to assert his art as an expression of his life. It was important here to bring his life experience as a scientific historical fact insofar as he was considered a subject of knowing, from the perspective of the ecologies of knowing, without exact chronological concern but, bringing the facts as events on the surface of the space in order to highlight their strategies and tactics of insertion into everyday life as cultural resistance, and territorial political experience.
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La Revista Latinoamericana del Geografía y Género no retendrá el copyright de los trabajos publicados. Los autores tienen permiso para la publicación de la contribución en otra medio, materia impresa o digital, en portugués o en otra traducción, desde que los créditos tenidos sean dados a la Revista Latinoamericana del Geografía y Género.
Latin American Journal of Geography and Gender does not retain the author rights. The author’s get permission to publish the contribution in other medias, printed or digital, itmay be in Portuguese or translation, since the publication is credited to Latin American Journal of Geography and Gender.
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