Gênero e Mobilidade Urbana na América Latina: Uma Revisão Integrativa
The objective is to investigate the extent to which the gender dimension interferes in urban mobility, based on the contributions of the literature on gender and mobility in Latin America. To this end was carried out an integrative review of the scientific production on gender and urban mobility in the region. After the inclusion-exclusion sieve, 22 articles were analyzed in full. Studies indicate that gender invisibility in urban planning of cities and the sexual division of labor are decisive factors that negatively impact women's mobility. It points out the need to develop studies that address the diversity and uniqueness of women in relation to mobility considering inequalities of race, class, sexuality, generation and physical capacity in dialogue with critical perspectives such as intersectionality in urban management.
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Latin American Journal of Geography and Gender does not retain the author rights. The author’s get permission to publish the contribution in other medias, printed or digital, itmay be in Portuguese or translation, since the publication is credited to Latin American Journal of Geography and Gender.
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