Existem sonhos dentro do Cárcere? A realidade das mulheres privadas de liberdade, contada por meio dos Mapas Mentais, num recorte espacial geográfico.
Have you ever wondered what makes a woman go to prison? This is a research in Geography, which addressed the geographic spatiality of women in prison. The image above portrays one of the moments of the research carried out at the Regional Penitentiary of Rolim de Moura, Rondônia. In prison, there is a side that no one was interested in telling, and the outside society never wanted to know. What are the reasons for being there, the conditions, and what is the woman's relationship with crime? According to the results of this research, the majority of re-educating are young, single, have children, and have little schooling. These data corroborate with the Thematic Report on Women Deprived of Liberty (SILVA, 2019), and deals with penitentiary information related to the female gender. Through a descriptive and bibliographical analysis, this article explains, through Mental Maps (KOZEL, 2018), the reality of women in the prison system.
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