Geografia e gênero no Cerrado maranhense: o trabalho das mulheres em meio ao capital no campo




This research sought to relate Geography and Gender as a proposal that contributes to the understanding of the territory. In the specific case here, the Cerrado in the municipality of Brejo located in the east of the state of Maranhão, considered as a space that houses two logics, the development of agribusiness represented by soy and the reproduction of agriculture developed by rural women. Faced with this possibility, this study was developed in a perspective of deconstruction of the “traditional geographical approaches”. For this, we sought to promote the insertion of a social group, rural women workers and their effective relationship with the territory that represents the cerrado of Maranhão. In this study, gender relations were apprehended as structuring agents in the construction of space and the necessary understanding that Geography as a Science should have on this dimension.

Keywords: Geography. Gender. Agribusiness. Agriculture. Rural workers.





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