

The changes of the conjuncture of the period driven the Brazilian Constitutions. Based on this assumption, this paper aims, using critical analysis and the hypothetical-inductive method, to investigate how the contemporary environmental crisis demands a constitutional reform. To this end, a historical review is made of the social, political, economic and cultural disconnects that engendered constitutional adjustments, from the beginning, until the promulgation of the Federal Constitution of 1988. Subsequently, and from an interdisciplinary perspective, scientific projections are examined in contemporary environmental issues in an attempt to superimpose a new axiom for constitutional hermeneutics. Ecological valuation is based on the defense of earmarked funds as well as a Supranational Environmental Constituent Power. Far from orchestrating a utopia, this article defends the impossibility of collective actions in favor of the environment, especially given the imminence of a collapse. The methodology used is dialectical in the search to counteract antagonisms that give rise to new contradictions. The importance of the writing will be multidisciplinary, as living in a healthy and reliable environment for the next generations is of global interest.

Author Biographies

Barbara Cristina Kruse, Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa

Graduada em Direito (Secal) e em Geografia - Bacharel (UEPG). Especialista em Direito Aplicado pela Escola da Magistratura, núcleo de Ponta Grossa. Mestre em Gestão do Território pela UEPG e Doutoranda em Ciências Sociais e Aplicadas pela UEPG.

Marcos Kruse

Doutor em Direito pela Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora (UNLZ). Perito Judicial e Economista.

RBDJ, v.8. Jan./Dez. 2024

