Culture and pandemic?

Celebrations of São João in the city of Dom Basílio-BA




Popular culture; , Junina Festival; , Pandemic; , Cultural production.


This study analyzes the artistic intervention project entitled "São João Vivo", carried out in June 2020 and 2021, in the city of Dom Basilio, southwest region of the state of Bahia. The relevance of cultural action appears as a crucial point in this work to describe the results and meanings that were generated in view of the realization of the ornamentation contest of the houses during the festivities of St. John (patron saint of the city). The realization of the project arises from the need to find, in the midst of the pandemic of covid-19, caminhos that led the community to remain in a state of celebration and communion junine, period of its greatest popular cultural manifestation, even with all the restrictions and measures of social removal, issued by the health agencies. Based on the reflexive-inductive research, from the participant observation, the author describes the paths taken in the realization of the project and its importance in the context mentioned; highlights the flows of participation in the said competition and concludes, among other results, on the festive sense attributed to the city, in addition to the promotion of local culture in pandemic period. The search for validation of the cultural practices developed appears as one of the objectives in this work, while the systematization of actions and the description of the ways of being/doing of the community contemplate timely characteristics to technical and scientific reflection. This work is, above all, an invitation to know the beauties and knowledge produced in time of scant manifestation of popular culture.



Popular Culture; Junina Festival; Pandemic; Cultural Production

Author Biographies

Antonio Xavier, Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz

PhD in Communication and Semiotics from PUC/SP; Master in Communication Sciences from UNISINOS; Specialist in Administration and Planning for Teachers by ULBRA / RS; Graduated in Philosophy from UNISINOS; He is currently Adjunct Professor of the Department of Letters and Arts of UESC, working in the Course of Social Communication - Radio, TV and Internet and conducts postdoctoral internship at the Universidad Estatal a Distancia – UNED, costa rica, developing the project "COMMUNICATION, EDUCATION AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES: Contents, methodological proposals and changes in teacher training courses at the public university".

Vicente, Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz - UESC

Graduated in Theater from the State University of Southwest Bahia - UESB; Specialist in Cultural Management at the State University of Santa Cruz - UESC.


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How to Cite

DE OLIVEIRA XAVIER, A. N.; SILVA SANTOS, V. de P. Culture and pandemic? Celebrations of São João in the city of Dom Basílio-BA. Revista Internacional de Folkcomunicação, [S. l.], v. 21, n. 46, p. 191–215, 2023. DOI: 10.5212/RIF.v.21.i46.0010. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.