Changing the communicational dynamics of social movements with the advent of the Internet

a brief analysis of some black movements in Santa Catarina




Communication;, Internet;, Social Networks;, Santa Catarina.


The article intends to demonstrate the existing differences and similarities in the internal communication of the black social movements of Santa Catarina comparing the generations previous to the advent and popularization of the Internet with the contemporary generations to this tool. We interviewed three people from different generations so that, based on their reports and memories, we could observe whether there were indeed changes. Our object of study was the Núcleo de Estudos Negros (NEN), an organization of the black movement, located in the city of Florianópolis, Santa Catarina. In addition to communication, we briefly address the memory of black militancy and its access to technological devices. With this study, we were able to verify the speed and the feeling of proximity allowed with Internet access, at the same time that the tool also generates concern in contemporary militancy with the problems of losing identification and belonging to the community and the notion of territoriality.

Author Biography

Felipe Cardoso dos Santos, Universidade Federal do Paraná

Graduated in Publicity and Propaganda. Master's student in the Graduate Program in
Communication at the Federal University of Paraná


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How to Cite

FERNANDES, J. C.; CARDOSO DOS SANTOS, F. Changing the communicational dynamics of social movements with the advent of the Internet : a brief analysis of some black movements in Santa Catarina. Revista Internacional de Folkcomunicação, [S. l.], v. 21, n. 46, p. 126–143, 2023. DOI: 10.5212/RIF.v.21.i46.0007. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.