O Protagonismo invisibilizado da mulher na floresta Amazônica-Acreana
This research seeks to highlight the female performance in the construction of the Amazonian
space, more precisely in the State of Acre. For the development of this research and the information gathering, a bibliographical research was used to establish the theoretical basis on spatial relations and gender in Amazon, as well as a participative research, which make it possible to experience the relationships within the participants' space and thus to be able to understand the issues contained in the subjectivity of the women involved in the research. After analyzing the information, it is emphasized that the invisibilization of the female action is a social construction and that it is been the target of claims for a rupture in sayings and
writings and for the recognition of women's social equality, while subjects who participate in the process of spatial formation of the Acrean Amazon.
Keywords: Gender; Invisibility; Forest; AcreanAmazon; Rupture.
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