A Geografia e a violência de vênero: um olhar a partir de Três Lagoas - MS


  • Patricia Milani Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul
  • Bianca de Oliveira Lima UFMS




Among the numerous hierarchies and unequal relationships that structure our society, we highlight the gender ones, which do not exclude, but combine with other inequalities, especially economic and racial ones. In this text, we present some analyses from the geography point of view on gender violence, based on quantitative data, but mainly qualitative information generated by an interview whose territorial outline was the city of Três Lagoas, Mato Grosso do Sul. We consider that cases of gender­based violence are not restricted to the most vulnerable social classes, although they are the most reported and gain greater public
dimension through the media. Gender violence is expressed in different ways in hierarchies, social classes and space. Economic dependence is not the only dimension that hinders or makes impossible a woman departure from home and from an oppressive relationship, but we found out that other factors, such as emotional dependence and fear of more violence (due to threats), also influence a woman’s decision. Finally, we found out that, although it creates different spaces, the unequal process of gender relations conditions unequal power relations inside and outside the homes, as was the case analyzed, based on our interviewee.
Keywords: Gender Violence; Power Relations; Space; Três Lagoas­MS.

Author Biography

Bianca de Oliveira Lima, UFMS

Graduada em Geografia pela Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, Campus de Três Lagoas





Artigos / Articles/ Artículos