Drag queens em banheiros públicos coletivos e ruas de Foz do Iguaçu: cartografias de corpos dissidentes em lugares transientes
We start from a critique of conventional cartographic representations and a brief survey of the writings in geography and architecture and urbanism on space, gender and sexualities. We will approach the transits of a group of drag queens in Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná, through streets and collective public bathrooms, which we consider transient places. We will report a fieldwork that accompanied this group for three different nights, using the mobile methodology of shadowing, later producing two sets of cartographies: the maps of violence, which collaboratively represented the spatial repressions in the mobile experience of these drag queens; and the bathly collages, self-representations of the experiences of some of them in the restrooms.
Key words: drag queen, transient place, cartography, restroom, shadowing.
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