Desafios que Limitam e Fortalecem: Estratégias de Cuidado em uma Universidade Durante a Pandemia da Covid­19


  • Telma Low Silva Junqueira UFAL
  • Danielly Spósito Pessoa de Melo Ufal
  • Cristina Camelo de Azevedo Ufal
  • Mariana Costa Falcão Tavares Ufal



The Covid-19 pandemic affected our routines in different contexts, bringing challenges that provided different learnings, such as the formation and strengthening of alliances and the sharing of affections that extended from face-to-face to virtual. In this article, we discuss the experiences we have built as educators in the framework of remote work at a federal public university in a capital city in northeastern Brazil. We refer to the contributions of black feminist thinkers the possibility of building clues, in a collective, solidary and plural way, which present us with ways to encounter an education that has unparalleled power in care and affection, subverting the necropolitics that prevails in government. current.






Machismo, interseccionalidade e território: uma perspectiva da geografia feminis