Slam Quilombo de Dandara de Presidente Prudente SP: Um Território Insurgente e suas Práticas Educativas
This research presents the results of a study about the Coletivo Quilombo de Dandara, in Presidente Prudente-SP, which creates a Slam Poetry space in the city center. The goal was to understand the educational processes triggered by the Slam, as well as the relationship with formal education. We were also interested in analyzing the spatiality instituted by the Quilombo and its relationship with the broader processes of urban space. Through the interviews, we were able to access life trajectories, their crossings, and intertwines, its spatial practices, and its educational role. The Quilombo de Dandara educates, by discussing racism and sexism, by welcoming multiple manifestations, by giving the floor to those who normally do not have a voice, and by connecting itself in a border alternative political and cultural circuit in the city. Hence it is possible to think about the Coletivo Quilombo de Dandara as an insurgent spatial practice.
- 2022-07-21 (2)
- 2022-07-02 (1)
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