Gender-sanitation relationship and the impacts caused on the life and health of women in a municipality in the interior of Pernambuco
The research aims to unravel the impacts that the lack of basic sanitation brings to women's health in their daily lives and to verify the temporal distribution of two cases of breakdown in a water truck reported in the reference services of Arcoverde, Pernambuco, in the period of 2015. to 2021 with the aim of characterizing the profile of the female population. For this, we used a research with a quantitative approach, bibliographic and exploratory field. From 2015 to 2021, 1.118 notifications were registered for women related to inadequate environmental sanitation in Arcoverde, of these, 52,68% (589) for female women, aged between 0 and 4 years (30,82%), race declared of 243 (46%) of the people who declared themselves to be brown, 48 (9%) white and 18 (4%) black. I concluded that the absence of sanitary solutions compromises, above all, the lives of women, that there are no daily tasks related to sanitation, at the same time little participation in decision-making regarding these issues.
Keywords: Gender; Women; Sanitation; Illnesses; Water circulation.
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