Corpo como Espaço, Gênero como Categoria: Uma Análise das Espacialidades da Escola de Guardas Mirins em Ponta Grossa Pr
This work aims to understand how the spatialities of the School of Child Guards 'Tenente Antônio João' constitute the conceptions of gender of the people assisted in the city of Ponta Grossa - Paraná. Our data source refers to 41 questionnaires applied to people assisted by this after-school institution. In general, the field responses show an understanding of gender related to a set of norms and practices of what is understood as 'being a man' and 'being a woman', and having the scale of the body as a central element of these conceptions. For a considerable time, geographical analyzes viewed the phenomena involving the scale of the body, or the understanding of the body as space, as a subject of second interest, producing a certain silence about the dynamics involving the relationship between these elements. Thus, the importance of this path is revealed, as a scientific and political enterprise for Geography.
- 2023-09-02 (2)
- 2023-09-01 (1)
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