E a Fralda de Pano, Quem vai Lavar? “Bela Maternidade”, Economia dos Cuidados e Ecofeminismo
The purpose of this article is to study of the movement of natural motherhood or mothering, understood here from the works of Badinter (2011) and Vieira and Ávila (2018) and the naturalization of motherhood, understood through the work of Scavone (2001), which supports the exercise of a motherhood that is supposedly more connected with nature and the child's needs. From this bibliographic review, is taken as a paradigm case the advertising material of the line of cloth diapers signed by the chef and presenter, Bela Gil in partnership with the company Morada da Floresta, aiming to apprehend the contours, in this, of the ideas produced by those. Once these data are presented, brief notes will be made in relation to the material analyzed and to the new – with contours of the old – corresponding ideology of the exercise of motherhood, relating them to the criticism of feminist theory (Badinter, 2011, Scavone, 2001 and Connell, 2015 and 2016), as well as the sexual division of labor (Kergoat, 2009; Bruschini, 1985 and Carrasco, 2008) and the constitution of spatialities from feminist geography perspective, presenting a look brought by ecofeminism, aiming to scrutinize the successes, absences and problems presented by this new maternity idea.
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