A Produção do Espaço Urbano do Núcleo Rio VerdePA na Década de 1980: Entre o Espaço Hegemônico e as Práticas Socioespaciais Generificadas de Resistência
Intense socio-spatial transformations marked the eastern Amazon and deepened gender, racial and income inequalities through the development of the Grande Carajás Program in the 1980s. In this context, the objective is to analyze the production of the urban space of the nucleus Rio Verde-PA taking into account the geometric, optical and phallic hegemonic spatial dimensions and the gendered socio-spatial practices of resistance. This is a simple case study that makes use of the analytical technique of document analysis. It is understood that the geographic space goes beyond its hegemonic dimensions that camouflage and reproduce inequalities. It is the product and producer of a pluriethnic humanity witch multiple constructions of gender relations as identified in the space of gender resistance in Rio das Lavadeiras.
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