Dating Behavior Variations in Central American, Cuban, and South American College Students
dating, sexual activity, Latino, immigrant, parental controlAbstract
To assess the influence of geographical region, generational status, and gender on the dating behaviors of Latino college students, 451 college students from Central America, Cuba, and South America answered questions regarding their geographical region descent, generational status, and dating history. Significant differences were found in dating behaviors. Participants from Central America began dating later than participants from Cuban and South American. Variations in age when parents allowed dating was accounted for by geographic region, gender of the child, and generational status. There was a gendered difference in age at first date in that males went on their first date earlier than females. Age at first date was also predicted by when parents first allowed dating. Age at first sexual encounter was impacted by geographic region, age when parents first allowed dating, and age at first date. Results demonstrate the need to examine Latino immigrants by geographical region instead of grouping immigrants from over 20 different countries under the term ‘Latino.’
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