Popular reference strategies in the municipal elections of Ponta Grossa/PR in 2020: a debate of political folkcommunication in the local context





Political folkcommunication, Municipal elections 2020, Popular culture


By focusing on the strategies of appropriation of popular culture in campaigns for councilors in Ponta Grossa/PR in 2020, this article proposes an analysis of the ways in which candidates are nominated, based on political folkcommunication. From a survey of the Tribunal Regional Eleitoral database, aspects such as belonging to the place (neighborhood, region or community), identification with a particular job category, the use of nicknames, among other resources that allow observing various elements of popular and media culture present in the electoral dispute. Finally, it appears that the use of references from popular culture, although it does not guarantee success in the electoral process, acts in the projection of the public figure of candidates, establishing relationships of proximity with the place and appeal to the electorate.


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How to Cite

GADINI, S. L.; WOITOWICZ, K. Popular reference strategies in the municipal elections of Ponta Grossa/PR in 2020: a debate of political folkcommunication in the local context. Revista Internacional de Folkcomunicação, [S. l.], v. 20, n. 45, p. 162–178, 2022. DOI: 10.5212/RIF.v.20.i45.0009. Disponível em: https://revistas.uepg.br/index.php/folkcom/article/view/21103. Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.