Cyberspace and Woman Representation in Advertising Campaigns of Female Product Stores on Instagram
Cyberspace is an important communication environment for human interaction. It is also a network virtual layer located above real geographical structures, being part of the social and economic structure. Firms promote products on such virtual space, via social networks, for instance, targeting a specific audience, that is, female consumers. The study analyzed how such campaigns represent the female figure in commercial profiles on Instagram. Considering the body an exposed space, the Diversity Representation Index (ID) was developed, based on characteristics of the models appearing in posts. The analysis of 39 profiles in 389 posts revealed the predominance of white and young women, but plus size and black women appearance has increased in the last few years, even if they are still underrepresented. Other female representations had little or no participation. Low diversity in campaigns neglects important groups and their demands to prioritize the imagery, consumption and needs of an “ideal Woman”.
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