Approaches to Children, Adolescents and Young People in Brazilian Geography and the Potential of Alliances with Gender and Sexualities
This paper aims to highlight the characteristics of the development of the approach to study children, adolescents, and young individuals in the Brazilian geography field with a view on gender and sexualities. To achieve the aim, a survey was carried out including 28,838 papers that cover a period from 1939 to 2020, found in 98 online journals registered in the geography area by the QualisCapes System, referring to the fouryear period of evaluation by that institution, from 2013 to 2016. Such document set is part of the Brazilian Geography Observatory, and the keywords used in the survey were “youth”, “young individual”, “juvenile”, “adolescent”, and “child”, which could appear in the title, abstract, or keywords sections. The search generated a set of 492 papers that was analyzed regarding time, theme, and authorship. The methodology used was social network analysis (SNA) aided by the software Gephi. Our results showed that children, adolescents, and young individuals were studied mainly regarding education, sociability, field, and urban violence aspects.
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