Um Espaço, uma Cultura, um Cotidiano e Memórias de dois Tempos: de aluno gay a docente gay
DOI :ésumé
The article deals with the tensions between desire and norm, set in school culture, a category in conjunction with space and everyday life. Desires are those in the field of gender and sexuality, linked to the erotic and affections. The norm is the cisheteronorm, one that takes heterosexuality as a compulsory given of human nature, recognizing only this arrangement as viable life. The sources to produce reflections in the article come from two historical moments. The memories come from his time as a gay student in public schools in Porto Alegre. The ethnography of school culture scenes was produced during the author's work as a gay higher education teacher. The theoretical reflections made problematize the tensions present in school culture regarding issues of gender and sexuality in both moments.
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