
  • Ana Marcia Ribeiro de Macedo Universidade Federal do tocantins
  • Rubenilson Pereira de Araujo Universidade Federal do Tocantins


Intersectionality is the additive set that enhances discrimination and becomes the mechanism that differentiates experiences of oppression and privilege. Given this, the objective of the research was to analyze the process of inclusion of themes that denote stereotypes in relation to the differences of identities and their intersectionalities, prioritizing a multimodal text in the Portuguese Language textbook of Elementary School, distributed by the National Book Program. Didactic (PNLD, 2013). As a theoretical basis we have (BRAZIL, 2017), (BNCC, 2017), (CRENSHAW apud PISCITELLI, 2008), (National Curriculum Guidelines, 2013), (MOITA LOPES, 2002), (SILVA, 2009), (WOODWARD, 2009) . As methodological support, we use the bibliographic-documentary research. For this, the analysis focused on the activities of the collection of the textbook (LD) Portuguese: Languages, Elementary School (CEREJA; MAGALHÃES, 2015), prioritizing the images and, in some cases, the reading activities (comprehension and interpretation of texts). The choice of the activities / image analyzed occurred according to the intersectional theme about women, the elderly and the differences in the Portuguese Language textbook that advocate the sociocultural stigmas in the collection. The collection was read and, subsequently, the selected activity was the one that most caught our attention in the WL, describing and analyzing what is the predominant prejudice and underlying issues. This collection was chosen because it was highlighted in the reading requirement, according to the MEC calculations in 2005 and 2008. The result obtained is that, although there are some studies on the differences of identities, there is still no affirmation of the differences of identities and diversity on the part of the analyzed textbook collection. Thus, we find that the approach is briefly presented, especially on the intersection of overlapping stereotypes. Therefore, intentionally planned pedagogical actions and educational public policies by the state and teachers are necessary, considering the representations of the “different” in school institutions.
Keywords: School Institution; Preconception; Difference; Intersection.

Author Biographies

Ana Marcia Ribeiro de Macedo, Universidade Federal do tocantins

Mestre em Linguística Aplicada pela UFT- Universidade Federal do Tocantins, Campus de Porto Nacional TO (2018), professora efetiva da Secretaria da Educação do Estado do Tocantins (2010) e graduada pelo Ceulp/Ulbra-Centro Universitário Luterano de Palmas Tocantins (2005).

Rubenilson Pereira de Araujo, Universidade Federal do Tocantins

Doutor em Letras: Ensino de Língua e Literatura pelo Programa de Pós Graduação em Letras da Universidade Federal do Tocantins/UFT, onde atua na graduação e pós- graduação em Letras, desenvolvendo pesquisas sobre gênero, diversidade sexual, educação linguística e literária na Formação Inicial e Continuada de Professores da Educação Básica. Atualmente, está na coordenação do curso de graduação em Letras e na cadeira de Prática de Ensino e Estágio Supervisionado em Língua e Literatura, campus Porto Nacional.

