
  • Rosana Aparecida Ribeiro de Sene Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa


This article will reflect about teaching / learning of the English Language as a tool of questioning social practices, with approaches to race, gender and sexuality identities. Aiming to analyze how students can learn the English Language, and at the same time provide (de)construc to the identities of race, gender and sexuality. Considering the following research questions: How can the English Language be used as a questioning tool for social practices? And, what kind of activities can be inserted, in English Language classes, that can give opportunity of (de) construction the race, gender and sexuality identities? For this, I use the theoretical framework of Ferreira (2015), Louro (2013), Butler, (2010), Melo (2015), Moita Lopes (2003). Addressing the methodology of qualitative research, ethnographic type developed in the year 2017. Where data generation occurred through focus group interviews, in a State College of Paraná, through the use of the videos: "Vista minha Pele", "Acorda Raimundo” and “ Novamente Homofobia na Escola”. The results show that race, gender and sexuality identities are targets of racism, prejudice, chauvinism and homophobia in the classroom. In which, it also contributes to school failure. Thus, the conclusions point for needing of including such identities in the school curriculum, mainly in the process of teaching / learning English Language.

Keywords: Race Identities; Gender identities; Sexuality identities; English Language;

This article will reflect about teaching / learning of the English Language as a tool of questioning social practices, with approaches to race, gender and sexuality identities. Aiming to analyze how students can learn the English Language, and at the same time provide (de)construc to the identities of race, gender and sexuality. Considering the following research questions: How can the English Language be used as a questioning tool for social practices? And, what kind of activities can be inserted, in English Language classes, that can give opportunity of (de) construction the race, gender and sexuality identities? For this, I use the theoretical framework of Ferreira (2015), Louro (2013), Butler, (2010), Melo (2015), Moita Lopes (2003). Addressing the methodology of qualitative research, ethnographic type developed in the year 2017. Where data generation occurred through focus group interviews, in a State College of Paraná, through the use of the videos: "Vista minha Pele", "Acorda Raimundo” and “ Novamente Homofobia na Escola”. The results show that race, gender and sexuality identities are targets of racism, prejudice, chauvinism and homophobia in the classroom. In which, it also contributes to school failure. Thus, the conclusions point for needing of including such identities in the school curriculum, mainly in the process of teaching / learning English Language.

Keywords: Race Identities; Gender identities; Sexuality identities; English Language;

