The subject-object dichotomy in the short story Negrinha by Monteiro Lobato


  • Rosilda de Moraes Bergamasco UEM



Post-colonial criticism, Objectifi cation, Subjectifi cation, Lobato.


This research analyzes from a post-colonial perspective the short story Negrinha written by the Brazilian writer Monteiro Lobato. The short story is about the diffi cult life of a little orphan, the daughter of a slave, with the former mistress of her mother. Considering the relations between the two characters, subject and object, the article intends to apply the theory of subjectifi cation and objectifi cation. This theory reveals the strategies used by the mistress to impose herself as subject (agent) as well as the ways found by the girl to stop being an object and become a subject.

Author Biography

Rosilda de Moraes Bergamasco, UEM

Mestranda. Universidade Estadual de Maringá – UEM.



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