About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The ADMPG Journal is an academic-scientific publication with continued publication with the mission of contributing to the advancement of knowledge in Administration through the dissemination of theoretical and empirical articles.

The focus is the result of original research and reflections on Administration, which present scientific rigor, theoretical strength and critical analysis, including, but not limited to, the themes: Public Administration, Entrepreneurship, Management Education, Strategy, Organizational Studies, Finance, People Management, Innovation, Logistics, Marketing, International Business, Production and Operations.

Our target audience are professors, researchers, undergraduate and graduate students interested in deepening and advancing the knowledge in Administration.


Review Process by Peer

 ADMPG Journal adopts the following evaluation policy:

1 - Receipt Registration of the article via online submission system.

2 - Evaluation, by the Editorial Team, regarding the relevance of the article in relation to the editorial line and scope of the journal.

Preliminary evaluation criteria:

  • The article must present an original contribution to the specific research field;
  • The article must, necessarily, fit the editorial line of the journal: the subject of the article must be related to the areas of Administration Science; must address the theory-practice relationship; have the potential to serve as a reference for other studies and research;
  • Comply with the number of words defined for the journal's standard, described in Guidelines for Authors;
  • Present language correction;
  • Meet ABNT (Brazilian Association of Technical Norms) standards for citation, bibliographic references, summary, among others;
  • Evidently comply with ethical research questions, preferably explicitly, by indicating approval by the Ethics Committee.

3 - Referral to referees.

4 - Analysis and confrontation of opinions:

4.1 - The articles with favorable opinions are forwarded to the coordination of the Editorial Team that will forward to the author(s) the opinions and requests for corrections indicated by the referees and by the Editorial Team (regarding the abstract, standardization, etc. ).

4.2 - The articles with a favorable and a contrary opinion are sent to a third referee.

4.3 - The articles with two contrary opinions will be rejected.

4.4 - The final acceptance and scheduling of publicantion of the article only after receiving the reformulated text.

         After the final acceptance, the articles are sent for final review of the Portuguese language, preparation of abstracts and abstract in Spanish and English and standardization.

4.5 - The articles submitted are evaluated by academic peers, who are guaranteed anonymity (blind peer review).

4.6 - The journal uses iThenticate – Similarity Crosscheck (plagiarism control system). The articles are submitted to the referred plagiarism control software in the article evaluation process.

4.7 - The ADMPG Journal is edited with resources from the UEPG's Administration Department and there is no charge for processing or publishing articles.

4.8 - The journal defines the need for an interval of 2 years for publicantion of an article by the same author.



The ADMPG Journal is a CONTINUED PUBLICATION and its volume is organized annually.


Open Access Policy

This journal offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public provides greater worldwide democratization of knowledge.


Support Sources


DEADM – Department of Administration of the State University of Ponta Grossa