Diabetes Mellitus, nutritional assessment, pharmaceutical care.Abstract
Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is associated with damage to several organs which affects productivity, quality of life and survival. Failures in pharmacotherapy can be attributed to inadequate use of medications and nutritional factors. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the pharmacotherapy and nutritional aspects of 23 patients, aged 50-89, attended by the pharmaceutical care service which is part of an extension program linked to the Pharmacovigilance Center. It was observed that 39.13% presented problems related to drug use, 31.81% were non-adherent, 4.54% were unnecessary drugs and 4.54% were inadequate doses. It was found overweight in 56.52% of the patients followed up, with a mean BMI of 27.5 ± 3.6 kg / m². After nutritional orientation, it was noticed an improvement in the glycemic levels of 52,17% patients. The results of this study highlights the importance of pharmaceutical/nutritional monitoring for the diabetic patient and that the simple supply of medications is not enough to obtain the desired pharmacotherapeutic and clinical effects.
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