youth and adults literacy, teacher education, pedagogical practices.Abstract
This study aims to present and analyze an outreach course offered to teachers from the Education of Youth and Adult Program in the scope of the “Current Challenges and Possibilities in Youth and Adult Literacy” from the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). This programme aims to invest in teachers´ continuous education. The methodology consisted in meetings with the teachers to discuss and reflect about themes concerning the challenges that emerge from their pedagogical practice, in order to think about the kind of school offered to these subjects. The theoretical reference is based on studies of authors such as Freire (1998; 2002), Arroyo (2006), Soares (2008) among others. The results demonstrate that continuous education of literacy teachers meets a current need as it enables to rethink pedagogical practices based on the dialogue with reality, on the specificity of the population and on their learning needs.
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