CEJA Baturité, coffee agroforestry, environment.Abstract
This study aims at describing the project “LeiturAção” carried out by CEJA Donaninha Arruda, in Baturité, Ceará, in parternship with the Academic Master’s Degree in Biodiversity and Sustainable Technologies of University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusophony. It was designed to hold thematic workshops about the historical context of the coffee culture, focusing on environmental education, to the students of EJA. It was carried out from October to November of 2015. The concepts used as theoretical background to the analysis are from Freire, Saes, Martins, Gadotti, among others. The pedagogical activities were based on research, study and textual production. It is possible to concluded that the initiative led the learner to reflect on the relevance of coffee cultivation to the region as well as the need to preserve the environment and develop environmental ethics.
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Referência CEJA Donaninha Arruda
Regimento interno (Versão - 2015);
Projeto Político Pedagógico - 2015;
Plano anual de atividades - 2015.
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